Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Synchron V1 (Beta)

To kick things off, I'll start with a simple project that I was inspired to do by "Geoyd", whose site I found whilst researching balanced ternary and the University of Moscow's research project into tri-state computing (Setun).

One of the items on his site is the Sinchron, a sine-wave "clock" that interprets a typical, circular clock (displaying the current offset of seconds, minutes or hours as an angle from the vertical) in a graph (in which the offset is the cosine of that angle). By marking a point on the resulting cosine wave (or moving the wave past a fixed line) you can show the current time.

Hmm, I'll put up a more detailed explanation tomorrow, but for now, here's the code implemented as a screensaver - I should also admit that I wrote this primarily because Geoyd's implementation is a Mac-only screensaver :-D.

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